Light Code Vibrational Entrainment
There are new ‘light technologies’ available for us as a Soul collective to support our journey of ascension. One of which is ‘Light Code Vibrational Entrainment.’
So what is it? Let me share what I have received.
Firstly vibrational entrainment is when two different frequencies/oscillating energies come together, the dominant/most coherent energy will pull the less dominant into synchronisation. One becomes a match to the other and they begin vibrating in harmony as one.
I received a lot of information about the dominant energy being the most coherent energy. This is something I’ve since researched and confirmed.
The reason for this is because a coherent energy is the most stable, consistent, and direct flow of energy. An Incoherent energy is scattered, inconsistent and chaotic in nature. Being in a state of incoherence is like running on a treadmill. You are exerting a lot of effort but going no where. There is a lot of energy being ‘wasted’ or insufficiently used in this way.
Light code entrainment is when you consciously bring a higher frequency (that of which is held within the sacred geometry form) into your being and allow your base frequency to entrain with it. When we do this what happens?
A state of coherence IS our natural state as Souls, all incoherent frequency seeks to find coherence. Because a state of coherence is it is our most efficient function as energy beings. It’s also our most harmonious, ordered and stable, and is directly related to the ease and flow of life.
My guidance-
“When you willingly entrain with a higher frequency you will discover pathways that unfold in divine preparation for you becoming that frequency“.
In English please 😅 This is what I understand the above received message to say. The process of synching up with the higher frequency (that of which you are at the level of Soul) will naturally draw towards you people, experiences, situations which will allow you to become the truest, highest expression of yourself. It will clear the pathway to your wholeness and oneness with all that is.
Of course entrainment can be utilised outside the realm of Light codes too.